Saturday, April 16, 2011

i have been a slacker. or just super busy. i really haven't forgotten about my fledgling little blog. however, life (that crazy thing) has taken over. thankfully, in a few weeks, i will have approximately 20 hours a week back of my life. 
easter is this week and what a fabulous week it is. tomorrow is palm sunday and then this week we are going to celebrate passover and easter. my friend (who i have celebrated passover with many many many times) posted this amazing idea. seriously, you should check it out!
i typed up the scriptures to go along with this, so if you want it, just comment and i'll email it to you. i'm working on my set right now. my goal is to keep it every year.
i am all for teaching my kids about the real reason for holidays. when the little ones were little-er, i thought i would not do santa and the easter bunny and all that. then, i had some church activity and basically rethought it all. i realized that all of the traditions have history to them. so i like to have a couple different celebrations. like today and tomorrow is our "easter bunny" type celebrations. they did the easter egg hunt at church. tomorrow morning, the easter bunny comes (with just a few things in their baskets like bubbles and socks and books). this week will be passover. there are some good recipes and history on PBS Kids for matzo soup and lots of other things i'm going to try. 
passover will be during the week, then on friday, saturday and sunday, we will be learning about easter, the crucifixion and the resurrection. here is one of the BEST ideas ever i have ever seen. i did it last year and i can't wait to do it this year. i remember last year, the princess was so upset when we sealed the cookies in the oven overnight. she wanted to know what was going to happen and why did Jesus' friends leave him. it is such a testimony builder! i can't wait for the thoughts this year.
this is the final product... a hollow cookie

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