Saturday, August 20, 2011

i just made some "sea mist".
i always loved how my hair was after i was in the ocean and i have been looking for something great for my hair. so i finally made this spray that i found.
i haven't tried it yet (because it's breakfast)
but in less than an hour, this super easy, super cheap, and super yummy smelling spray is going on my unwashed hair luscious locks.

i might take pics and show you later... if i remember. this will also be going on little princess's hair too. 

i'll post the recipe for my non-shampoo later. i loved it, but i put in a tad bit too much of one ingredient, so i'm working on that. 

here is the super easy recipe for an expensive spray!

1 cup water
1 tbls sea salt
1 tbls aloe juice (optional)
1/8 tsp argan oil (optional)
5 drops essential oil or your fave perfume (optional)
Put all the ingredients in your spray bottle and shake well.  Use on damp hair for best results.  I find the spray gets clogged every now and then-if this happens, just run it under hot water.  Shake before every use. 

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